Beautiful Skin Without Using Any Products
If we were to fall for every marketing campaign on every subway train put out by every manufacturer of skincare products, wow, we would have a lot of debts racked up. Yet, so many of us do spend crazy amounts on new products in the hope of finding the one that will give us young-looking skin from now until forever.
But what if someone were to let you in on a little secret and tell you there was a way to get incredible skin without having to use many (or any) products, expensive or not. Mmm hmmm. We’re talking about little things you can be doing to make your skin look, feel, and be amazing.
Sure, genetics is a big part of looking youthful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t control a lot of it. So, without further ado, here is how to make your skin – and nails – look fifty shades of gorgeous without having to scrape at the last remainders of that tub you can’t afford to buy again.
Stay Out Of The Sun
Baz Luhrmann was right, wear sunscreen or, better yet, stay out of the sun. The reason for this is as simple as 1 + 1: 90% of the wrinkles and visible aging you see is caused by the sun. Little things like walking on the side of the road most covered in shade, rocking a big hat with a wide rim and slathering yourself in sunscreen will all work wonders.
Exercise Wrinkles Away
Everyone knows that you feel great after exercise. You feel healthier and, after a while, you’ll look slimmer or more toned. But these aren’t the only benefits of a good old sweat session. You see, sweating is actually good for your skin too, something you can click here to learn more. The reason this works is actually quite rudimentary: sweating makes your pores open up and that encourages the dirt and oil and bacteria to leave.
Take Off The Makeup
Nothing is going to make your pores clog up and choke more than falling asleep with a full face of makeup on. It’s one of those things that will, in fact, see you break out in spots and whatnot. So, in the same way, you wouldn’t go to bed without brushing your teeth, don’t go to sleep without baby wiping your face. Not only will your skin thank you, so will your pillowcases.
Sleep Like A Baby
You’ll probably know when you haven’t had a good night’s sleep and that’s because you’ll see it in the mirror. Your skin will look grey, you’ll have more bags under your eyes than Victoria Beckham has in her stores and you’ll recoil with an, “urgh!” To put it bluntly, in the same way, your body needs sleep, so does your skin. It really needs it. That’s why you need to read up on how to sleep like a baby, and then see miracles in just one night. It’s amazing.
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27 Comments. Leave new
I love these common-sense tips! I am not a fan of using tons of products and I tend to be allergic to a lot of them so this is all great advice! I can’t say my skin is perfect but it could be worse, LOL. And maybe with some of these tips it can be better!
Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read.
Yes! I love all these ideas. It is great to take a natural route in taking care of our skin. The sun is such a big factor – -protect your skin! Also drinking lots of water helps.
Yes! Water has so many health benefits as well.
I totally agree with this! I actually try to do a lot of these things, especially shading the sun here in Florida and wear little to no make up to keep products off.
Avoiding the sun is key! I wish I would have known when I was younger.
Great tips! I am good at taking off make up, but need more and better sleep!!! Working on it!
We all are a work in progress! LOL
I absolutely love this advice. There are so many products out there to use but there is so much we can do by just taking care of our skin naturally.
Natural is the way to go!
Great post! I have never been much of a product person. Your tips are so spot on. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you! I love to find ways to save money!
I never realized exercising could actually help you skin as well. You learn something new everyday!
Yes! One more benefit for exercising!
These are great tips. I forget to take off my makeup all the time!
I do too! I have to force myself to remember!
These tips are so easy you can totally add them to an everyday routine
I completely agree!
Great tips,a good night of sleep sounds awesome and if it makes my skin look better, well, that’s a nice bonus!
It definitely is a bonus!
A good night’s sleep is always at the top of my priority list! I need it for not just my skin but my entire well being. Wonderful tips!
Thank you!
Ha ha 50 shades of grey I love that… such good reminders. I so agree that exercise can turn back the clock!
Thank you! I love to exercise and it has so many benefits!
Yes, we tend to forget these things, plenty of rest, drink plenty of liquid, etc… when in fact they’re the most effective ways to care for our skin. Not expensive even and some are free what else can you ask for.
Thank you for your comment Nancy!
I am all about paying less or getting things for free!