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Seven Spring Plants Perfect For Container Gardening

Container gardening is a simple way to decorate your porch, patio, or deck with a burst of color from hearty and easy-to-care-for plants. The key is to choose plants that will work well for your particular conditions, such as access to sun and shade.

It's also fun to choose unique and decorative planters to hold your gorgeous foliage. You want to make sure that there's a drainage hold in the bottom of the pot. Water will need to be able to escape so you don't drown your plants or end up with root rot.

Here are seven plants to consider for easy container gardening.

Spring Garden Plants


Pansies are a classic flower for springtime. Perfect for container gardening, these flowers lend themselves to combination groupings to produce a myriad of color options. They're hardy and can even withstand a spring frost. They do well in part to full sun. Take care to regularly pinch off leggy growth and deadheads to keep the growth consistent and visually appealing.


With so many color choices from which to choose, Nemesia is a popular choice that will be a colorful addition to any container garden. From pink and cranberry shades like Dazzle-Me Lilac to yellow and orange shades such as Juicy Fruits Kumquat, you'll need partial to full sun for these flowers.  These easy-to-care-for flowers will bring a lovely touch of color to your outdoor space.


This perennial is an easy-to-grow flower that does well in containers. Varieties include dwarf and tall as well as pastel colors to more saturated and brilliant colors. These flowers do well in full sun as well as partial shade. Take care to deadhead the flowers so you can keep these beautiful blooms growing all season long. You can also cut these flowers to enjoy inside in a pretty vase.

Spring Plants for Container Gardening

Coral Bells

Arriving on the scene with a variety of shades from which to choose, this plant has small bell-shaped flowers. For a splash of deep red color, try the Dolce Cinnamon Curls or  Harvest Burgundy varieties. They'll need part sun, so take that into consideration. These flowers attract butterflies so you'll be adding not only color to your outdoor space but nature's beautiful flying creatures.

Persian Shield

This stunning foliage plant boasts purple, green, and silver leaves making it an exotic addition to your porch. This plant can grow as tall as 3 feet. It tolerates partial sun, so if you have a shadier area, this plant would work well there.


This heat-tolerant plant will bloom all season in shade from white and pink to deep purples and blues. Go monochromatic with one shade or mix a few shades for visual interest. These plants do need sun, so position them accordingly.

Spring Plants Perfect for Container Gardening


Not only will lavender add a gorgeous touch of purple and blue to your decor, but its delicate fragrance will be a charming addition to your outdoor space. Lavender needs full sun and is easy to care for as it doesn't need daily watering. Choose from varieties such as English Lavender, French Lavender, and Fringed Lavender.

We hope you enjoyed Simply Amazing Living's “Seven Spring Plants that are Perfect for Container Gardening” post.


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