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Simply Amazing Living

Simply Amazing Living welcomes businesses to send us samples for review. There are a few ways to conduct reviews. First, we can review it on this site.

The majority of readers of this blog are women with limited time (some dads too) and the majority of them shop online. As a result, they trust our editorial recommendations when making buying decisions. We value this trust and hold it in the highest regard. Our goal is to always review products/services/ places in person. This allows us to give reliable, first-hand, and honest recommendations.

To generate the most hype for your review, we love to do giveaways. Giveaways are Tweeted on Twitter and posted on Instagram and Facebook. Most giveaways will also require a visit to your website generating traffic for you as well. This is a win-win situation for all.

Below are sample review policies; please read them thoroughly before submitting your product for review:

  • Please include information on where to buy your product online. This is key for many readers requiring more information than in our review and who want to immediately make a purchase.
  • Our reviews tend to be informal and may not always contain all product specs (unless specifically requested). We write just like we are having a conversation and talk about our exact experience with what we are reviewing.
  • Consider offering coupon codes to our blog readers to drive even more traffic to your site. A coupon code can stimulate interest similar to a giveaway.
  • If requested, we will send links to our reviews as soon as they are published.
  • What we select to review and our written content are strictly editorial. This absolutely cannot be purchased. As a result, we are pretty selective in what we cover and subsequently endorse — simply put, we believe that is what our readers expect of us.

We appreciate you taking the time to review our guidelines.  We are excited that you got this far!  Now let's take this relationship one step further!  Together we can help promote the “best of best” products and services to our readers and the entire blogosphere.

Contact us today at autumn (at) simplyamazingliving (dot) com

View this site's Privacy Policy


Autumn lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, two children, and Rebel, her Dachshund. She has an insatiable love of travel, is a self-professed foodie, is not a huge fan of in-store shopping (only because she doesn't have the time and LOVES Amazon Prime delivery).  She loves discovering beauty/fashion tips and trends while traveling the world.


Autumn Murray ( is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to:



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