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Aimée Rank Photography in Atlanta

Aimée Rank is the photographer in Atlanta you need to capture your most precious moments in life.  Aimée Rank Photography is part of Rank Studios, a full-service photography studio owned and operated by Aimée Rank and her husband Chris. Together, they have been exceeding customer expectations for over 20 years.

While Chris and his team focus on corporate clientele, Aimée offers natural light sessions to capture newborns, first birthdays, holidays, and other milestone celebrations. She captures her clients' special moments so that they can savor them for years to come.

Enter to win a family portrait session valued at $350.00!  Details below.

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All photos in this post are owned and copyrighted by Aimée Rank Photography.

Aimée Rank

Aimée Rank | Photography credit: Rank Studios Atlanta

About Aimée Rank

Photographer Aimée Rank has a Bachelor's degree in History and a Master's degree in Education, both from Columbia University. Until marrying her husband Chris, she spent more time teaching social studies to middle schoolers than she did talking about f-stops and shutter speeds.

Aimée still indulges in her love of teaching, in addition to being the photographer for family and children photography at Rank Studios, Aimée also handles the behind-the-scenes operations and is the point person for administrative questions at Rank Studios.

Aimée is a loving wife and mother to three daughters.  She is a breast cancer survivor and realizes the importance of capturing the special moments in life to be able to share these moments with family and friends for generations to come.
Aimée Rank

Photo credit: Aimée Rank Photography

Excellent Customer Service

Customer service and customer satisfaction are priorities for Aimée  She is more than just a camera as she provides customers with a personal, one-on-one approach, to make sure they get exactly what they want.  She has a strong work ethic and always puts her clients first.  

Aimée believes in keeping her photography sessions fun and relaxed.  She wants her clients to feel comfortable giving her the direction she needs to take premium photos and capturing memories that will last a lifetime.  She takes great pride in watching the elation on her clients' faces when they see her photos for the first time. 

Poole Family photo by Aimée Rank Photography

Types of Photography

  • Family
  • Newborns
  • First birthdays
  • Senior Photos
  • Holiday photos (Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc)
  • Other milestone celebrations

Schedule a photography consultation appointment today!  Click HERE

Aimée Rank Photography

Giving Back to the Community

When the COVID-19 quarantine began in March, Aimée organized and donated her time to take photos of families at a distance on their porches or in their yards.

My husband Chris and I believe that our strength comes from developing relationships with those whom we serve, and by doing so with excellence and integrity. Without you, we would not exist. We know that community is everything and we count it a privilege to be able to regularly share our services with organizations such as Jerusalem House, the Sandy Springs Mission, and Junior Achievement. Most recently, we embraced the challenge of capturing over 70 families “doing life” during quarantine in exchange for their donation to Community Assistance Center or Solidarity Food Pantry.”

Aimée Rank PhotographyCovid-19 Precautions

To ensure everyone’s safety, all photography sessions and payments are contactless, with six feet or more between the photographer and subject(s). Additionally, the photographer will wear a mask and take any additional precautions requested.

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